A group of people walk a dog in a park.

How Do Nonprofit Organizations Work to Make Life Better Every Day?

If an alien were to ask, “What are nonprofit organizations?," they’d likely hear a range of answers. Some would say that nonprofits exist to help those in need. But while that’s certainly true of many organizations, it doesn’t tell the whole story. Nonprofits exist to make the world a better place for all.

Many forget that nonprofit community organizations, institutions, and clubs are all around them, improving their lives in countless ways. Here are just five ways that nonprofits in the U.S. and beyond make life better every day.

Illustration featuring five circles that depict someone sitting in an art gallery, learning at a computer, walking through an airport, at the doctor's office, and reading a book in a park.

1. Nonprofits make culture and entertainment accessible to millions

Nonprofits often play a vital role in delivering the cultural experiences that provide education, entertainment, and joy throughout our lives. From the museums, aquariums, and zoos that opened our eyes to the wonders of the world as children to the historic buildings and monuments we admire as adults, nonprofits lead and preserve many of the cultural landmarks that surround us. Of course, these landmarks also attract tourists, helping to boost local economies and create jobs.

2. Nonprofits teach us valuable life skills when we’re young

For many of us, the soft skills we rely on daily as adults — including teamwork and conflict resolution — were gained and honed through our participation in activities organized by nonprofit youth development organizations like the Girl Scouts, Little League, and Big Brother Big Sisters of America. These organizations deliver formative childhood experiences that prepare us for professional life and make us kinder, more resilient people.

3. Nonprofits helped secure rights we exercise daily

Over the years, nonprofits have fought for and helped to secure many of the rights that people take for granted today, including the right to vote, marry, get an education, and travel. Nonprofits continue to work hard to defend and advance these rights, advocating for equity and ensuring people have the information they need to exercise their rights.

4. Nonprofits support research that keeps us safe and healthy

Nonprofits are often at the forefront of medical research. March of Dimes, for example, helped to fund the development of the polio vaccine, which has prevented hundreds of millions of people from contracting the disease and undoubtedly saved many lives.

5. Nonprofits conserve the natural spaces all around us

In the U.S. and around the world, nonprofits help to protect the natural spaces that we love through research, advocacy, and conservation work. Beyond their ecological importance, these spaces provided a critical outlet for people to exercise, relieve stress, and reconnect with nature. And like cultural landmarks, they also support the tourist industry.

How do nonprofit organizations work to make life better? Tirelessly!

Thank you, nonprofits, for everything you do to make the world a better place for everyone. You play an essential part in building thriving communities, improving quality of life, and creating equity.

Looking for resources to help your nonprofit thrive? Check out our Action Plan for Nonprofits to learn how you can use LinkedIn to spread the word about your important work — and attract new supporters and donors.