5 Follow-up Email Templates to Streamline Your Nonprofit’s ...
Providing a great candidate experience is just as important for nonprofit organizations as it is for commercial businesses. A poor expe...
Providing a great candidate experience is just as important for nonprofit organizations as it is for commercial businesses. A poor expe...
In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, many nonprofits were preoccupied with figuring out how to handle day-to-day operations re...
At LinkedIn for Nonprofits, we’re so proud and grateful for the opportunity to help amazing nonprofit organizations from all around the...
As a nonprofit leader, empathy is at the forefront of your organization. It drives your mission and informs your values. But in the wor...
For young people across the U.S., fall is synonymous with “back to school.” But while the end of summer break often stirs mixed emotion...
For certain kids, a simple invitation to play can act as a lifeline. Today, the incredible nonprofit Playworks has extended similar inv...
As a nonprofit professional navigating the coronavirus pandemic and the rapidly changing world of work, fundraising may be more critica...
It’s that beautiful, feel-great, humanity-embracing time of year: time for giving. Beyond the holiday gifting spirit, year-end tax dedu...