The LinkedIn for Nonprofits Weekly Digest

The LinkedIn for Nonprofits Weekly Digest

As we approach the holidays, it’s time to start thinking about what your people need to be successful through the end of this year and into the next. That’s why the theme of this week’s Weekly Digest is fostering a supportive culture at your nonprofit. 

We’ve compiled articles exploring steps you can take as a leader to coach your team and ensure their skills remain aligned with the organization’s changing needs. With the holiday season already being a stressful time for many people, compounded by the ongoing challenges created by the pandemic, you’ll also find advice about how to support employees’ mental health, without overstepping boundaries. 

Of course, fundraising is another topic that’s top of mind right now. We’ve included resources covering emerging trends in philanthropic giving and tips for engaging with younger donors online, so you can step into the new year with a solid strategy in place.

Here are five must-read articles and reports for nonprofits this week:

1. 12 Ways Nonprofits Can Ensure Their Team’s Skills Are Relevant (Forbes)

As your nonprofit evolves, the skills your employees need to be successful will evolve, too. In this article from the Forbes Nonprofit Council, 12 nonprofit executives share their tips for assessing and bolstering your organization’s skill base—and cultivating the skills that will never go out of style. 

2. Become a Leadership Coach for Your Nonprofit Team (NonProfit Pro)

Nonprofit leaders face many demands on their time. But setting some time aside to provide leadership coaching to your team yields significant rewards—from helping you prepare your organization for tomorrow to inspiring employees to reach new heights. This article explores why nonprofit leadership coaching is so powerful, and some fundamental ingredients to bake in.

3. Talking About Mental Health with Your Employees — Without Overstepping (Harvard Business Review)

Between the global health crisis, economic uncertainty, and political unrest, employees have dealt with a lot this year. While many organizations checked in with their people after they began working from home, some time may have passed since you last touched base with team members about their mental health and overall wellbeing. This article shares three strategies for talking about mental health with your employees—and fostering a safe environment in which they can bring their authentic self to work.

4. The 2020 Giving Landscape (National Center for Family Philanthropy)

How has the pace and method of denor response changed over the past year—and how will these changes shape philanthropic giving in years to come? This new report from NCFP outlines 10 significant trends in donor behavior that nonprofits should consider when developing fundraising strategies moving forward, from the increasing emphasis on racial equity to the importance of transparency and collaboration. 

5. How to Attract Young Donors to Your Nonprofit Organization (Business 2 Community)

Today, members of the Gen Z and millennial generations make up the majority of the workforce. Since their digital habits differ from those of previous generations, it’s important to know how to engage this audience effectively online if you want them to become donors or volunteers. This article shares some insights and tips to help you understand and attract younger donors—and foster long-lasting relationships.

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