A person sitting in the garden looks at their laptop with a big smile. Their hands are together in a delighted gesture.

4 Tips for Sending Meaningful Thank-You Notes to Donors on LinkedIn

Sending a thank you note after receiving donations is an important element of donor stewardship. When you want to go beyond a standard email, LinkedIn can be a powerful platform for sharing personalized messages of appreciation in a trusted, professional setting. 

Sending a connection request to a major donor or corporate partner can signal that your organization is committed to building meaningful relationships, especially if that request comes from one of your leaders. Or, if a person posts on LinkedIn about donating to your nonprofit, consider surprising and delighting them with a personal message to say thank you for your contribution and support. 

Ready to start building lasting relationships on LinkedIn? Use the tips and template below to make a meaningful impression. 

1. Personalize your message

When you’re establishing a one-on-one connection with a donor, you want them to feel special. One of the benefits of building relationships on LinkedIn is that you can refer to a donor’s LinkedIn profile for relevant information, helping you write unique thank-you notes. Be sure to double check how they spell their name before hitting send. 

2. Make them the hero, not your nonprofit

While you may want to share more information about your nonprofit later, center your first thank-you note on the donor and their generosity. Focus on the impact that their donation will have, being as specific as possible. This is especially important if they requested that their contribution go toward a specific aspect of your work.

Illustration of a person sitting with their laptop on their knees, writing a message on LinkedIn. Heart emojis are rising from the laptop.

3. Be succinct, but not abrupt

Keeping your initial message concise makes it easy for a busy donor to read — but if it’s too short, it could come across as insincere. Weaving in specific examples of where their money will go can help make your message feel more warm and substantial. Or, why not include thank you for your donation quotes from your leaders or the people your nonprofit serves? 

4. Get the timing right

Before reaching out to a donor on LinkedIn, take a look at their recent activity on the platform. If they’re an active poster and commenter, they’re likely to see your message quickly. If they’ve been inactive on the platform for a while, it may be worth waiting until they’re active again before sending a connection request or thank-you note, as they may miss your message otherwise. 

Need inspiration? Send this thank you for your donation letter on LinkedIn

To help you get started thanking donors on LinkedIn, here’s a simple template that you or your leader can copy, paste, and personalize: 

Dear [donor’s name],

My name is [your name] and I’m the [your role] at [your organization’s name]. I wanted to personally reach out to thank you for your contribution and support. It means everything to us.

Thanks to your generosity, we can continue to [add details about your nonprofit’s mission]. In particular, your donation will help us to [add details about the impact their donation will have].

I would love to stay in touch and keep you updated about our work. I hope you have a fantastic week. 

With gratitude,

[Your name]

Make more of the connections that matter

LinkedIn isn’t just useful for connecting with existing donors. As the world’s largest professional network, it’s also an ideal platform for your team to find and cultivate new donors. 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator can help. Available at a 50% discount for eligible nonprofits, this fundraising solutions helps organizations like yours to identify strategic prospects at scale, spot opportunities for warm introductions, and send the right message at the right time.

To learn more about LinkedIn Sales Navigator and unlock your exclusive discount, contact our team.