LinkedIn for Nonprofits Weekly Digest

The LinkedIn for Nonprofits Weekly Digest

This week’s Nonprofit Weekly Digest is full of ideas for developing better, more sustainable, and more equitable practices and processes.

You’ll find everything from eco-friendly web design tips to insights into how you can improve your fundraising and feedback. You’ll also discover resources for developing your brand voice and creating a fulfilling volunteer program.  

Here are five must-read articles for nonprofits this week:

1. Feedback’s Role in Shifting Power to Those Least Heard (Center for Effective Philanthropy)

How you collect and act on feedback from community members and stakeholders can play a vital role in furthering your equity efforts and shifting decision-making to underrepresented communities. The Center for Effective Philanthropy shares actionable steps for designing high-quality feedback practices that help everyone feel heard. 

2. How to Make Your Website Greener (Charity Digital)

Moving operations online should lighten your carbon footprint — or so you’d think. But the design choices you make and digital storage you rely on can carry a heavy cost to the environment as a result of higher electricity consumption and carbon emissions. This article from Charity Digital offers tips on how you can design a more eco-friendly website, while still wowing visitors.

3. Are You Marketing Your Brand or Your Mission? (NonProfit PRO)

The line between your brand (how people see you) and your mission (the work you do) can sometimes become blurred. As you plan your marketing campaigns, first consider how your mission is reflected in your branding. Check out this article from NonProfit PRO to learn the difference between your nonprofit’s brand, mission, and marketing strategy — and why you should invest time in developing your brand.  

4. The Greater Good: Advancing Equity through Fundraising (Fundraise)

Community-centric fundraising can be critical to improving equity. This doesn’t mean neglecting donors or losing out on fundraising money — in fact, it could lead to better donor engagement over time. Fundraise explores some steps you can take to advance equity at your organization by investing in a diverse staff, engaging with other nonprofits, backing initiatives that support your community, and more.

5. Community Needs Assessment: Tips to Strengthen Volunteering (Getting Attention)

Your volunteers are some of your most valuable supporters, whether they pitch in to spread the word or offer their spare time to help fundraise or support your efforts out in the field. Learn how a Community Needs Assessment can strengthen your volunteer program, from recruitment to retention.

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LinkedIn for Nonprofits Weekly Digest