A woman works at a laptop while reviewing information on a piece of paper.

Revisiting Resolutions: How to Stay on Track with the Goals Your Nonprofit Set for 2022

We’re several weeks into 2022 by now, which means—according to research—you’ve probably broken at least one of your New Year’s resolutions by now. That’s okay: it’s important to be kind to yourself, especially during challenging periods. But even if you’ve abandoned your own ambitious plan to learn the violin, the goals you set at your nonprofit are worth revisiting. 

If you’ve fallen behind schedule, it’s not too late to get back on track. These strategies can help: 

Identify clear roles and responsibilities

One of the biggest reasons why goals are abandoned is the lack of a clear roadmap. Team members don’t know who is responsible for what, causing ambitious plans to remain forever stuck in the planning stage. 

Set your team—and your resolutions—up for success by clearly outlining each team member’s role and responsibilities. Think about ways you can play to employees' strengths. Or, use this as an opportunity to provide stretch assignments that will support their professional development, such as giving them a chance to work cross-functionally if that’s something they’ve indicated that they’re interested in. 

Build in accountability 

After identifying who will perform key tasks, designate one person to keep everyone else accountable. This person will be responsible for tracking progress toward milestones and making sure there are no bottlenecks preventing forward motion. 

While you want to keep things moving, you also want to make sure that no one feels overwhelmed. The person who’s keeping you on track of progress can also monitor bandwidth, checking in with team members from time to time to confirm whether they need anything and move resources around where necessary. And when you do hit a big milestone, they can highlight how far you’ve come to keep motivation high. 

Plan for obstacles and learn from mistakes

You can’t predict everything that might go wrong with a project, but you can identify potential roadblocks and discuss ways to handle them in advance. Laying this groundwork will make your team will feel more equipped to handle unexpected challenges, while giving them a chance to flex their analytical and problem-solving skills.  

If something does go wrong along the way, don’t let this kill momentum and morale. As a team leader, you can model positive behavior by focusing on what you’ve learned from the experience and discussing ways to apply this knowledge to future tasks. Check out the LinkedIn Learning course Learning from Failure for more tips on how to turn mistakes and setbacks into opportunities. 

Make 2022 your most impactful year yet

If you’ve struggled to keep resolutions in the past, you’re not alone. But with careful planning, a commitment to tracking progress, and the flexibility to navigate unexpected roadblocks, you can make 2022 the year where those ambitious resolutions become a reality at your nonprofit. 

As new needs and challenges emerge, empower your team to pick up the skills they need along the way with LinkedIn Learning. Contact our team to learn more. 

Help your team develop their skills with LinkedIn for Nonprofits.