Illustration of a professional working on a desktop
Illustration of professional working in a home office

Once you’ve completed your job description, save it for future use.

  • Save time when you next need to hire by using this job post as a template. Even if it’s a very different role, you can typically repurpose some of the text (ex: DEI and EVP language).
  • Build up a library of different templates for different functions. Just be mindful to update these templates over time as your organization evolves. You should also regularly analyze your job descriptions, evaluating them against applicants to make sure they’re delivering against your organization’s needs
  • Prevent qualification inflation by keeping old job posts on file. This happens when job descriptions for the same role at the same organization get increasingly demanding over time (often caused by a desire to “clone” the incumbent employee). By reviewing old job posts, you can refresh your memory about what you looked for in a candidate last time rather than basing your job description on the incumbent employee. Remember, they likely picked up a lot on the job — and your new hire will, too.
Illustration of professionals browsing a library